Joaquín Dicenta’s Theater: The Other Social Revolution


  • Fidel López Criado



Theater, social theater, Dicenta, Juan José, Daniel, socialism, marxism


This article studies Joaquín Dicenta’s contribution to the so called “social theatre” or “theater of social concern” in Spain. Its thesis differs from mainstream critical opinion and maintains that Dicenta’s plays are born out of a Kautskian political thought (socialdemocrat, not Marxist-Leninist), which is directed at a bourgeois and not a proletarian public. Thus, Dicenta’s theatre becomes a revolutionary tool, of agitation and propaganda, directed at the liberal bourgeoisie, in whose hands is entrusted the leadership of “the other Marxist social revolution”, through non-violent, democratic and parliamentary means.


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How to Cite

López Criado, F. (2011). Joaquín Dicenta’s Theater: The Other Social Revolution. Arbor, 187(752), 1197–1207.


