Excavaciones en Heracleópolis Magna (Egipto)


  • M. Carmen Pérez Die Museo Arqueológico Nacional. Departamento de Antigüedades Egipcias y del Próximo Oriente




Ihnasya, Herakleópolis, Herishef, Third Intermediate Period, First Intermediate Period


The excavation in Herakleópolis Magna is a project belonging to the National Archaeological Museum. The works have been financed by the Ministry of Culture. Egyptian authorities, trough the Supreme Council of Antiquities, have supported the project, always granting their co-operation, thus making it feasible. The main objective of the project is to study the history of Heracleópolis Magna, trying to obtain direct information that would allow a better knowledge of the history of the town and its territory. Until 2004 the works has been focused on the Herishef Temple, Third Intermediate Period Necropolis and First Intermediate Period Necropolis.


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How to Cite

Pérez Die, M. C. (2006). Excavaciones en Heracleópolis Magna (Egipto). Arbor, 182(717), 107–113. https://doi.org/10.3989/arbor.2006.i717.14


