Learning entrepreneurship at universities


  • María Ripollés Departamento de Administración de Empresas y Marketing. Organización de empresas, Universitat Jaume I




Entrepreneurship education, entrepreneurship at universities, entrepreneurship learning


This paper aims to think about the suitability of different pedagogical approaches for teaching entrepreneurship in universities. The major challenge in relation to entrepreneurship education is the need to balance the training in business knowledge needed for the exploitation of entrepreneurial opportunities with the training in the “art” of being an entrepreneur needed for the exploration of entrepreneurial opportunities. The main competences related to the “soft” side of entrepreneurial capabilities are creativity and social capabilities. Two teaching methods are presented which overcome this challenge and can facilitate teaching entrepreneurship at universities.


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How to Cite

Ripollés, M. (2011). Learning entrepreneurship at universities. Arbor, 187(Extra_3), 83–88. https://doi.org/10.3989/arbor.2011.Extra-3n3131


