Approach to an Emotional Learning Method (ELM) in teaching of Architecture


  • Loreto Barrios Rodríguez Escuela de Arquitectura, Universidad Nebrija
  • Carlos González-Bravo Escuela de Arquitectura, Universidad Nebrija



Architecture, EEES, Bolonia, Emotional Education, Emotional Learning Method (ELM)


The teachings of Architecture in Spain have undergone significant changes in the legislative environment in the last 50 years. The formation of Architecture, based mostly in the workshop format, is an element of coordination between different learning techniques. This paper presents an approach to an Emotional Learning Method (ELM), which aims to integrate in the area of Bologna, a teaching methodology specifically sensitive to the teachings of Architecture. The results obtained in the last two years, since the introduction of the degree at the University of Nebrija have been specially promising and have provided a stimulus for teachers and students. We understand that this learning methodology is transferable to degree programs of both theoretical artistic, or humanistic character.


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How to Cite

Barrios Rodríguez, L., & González-Bravo, C. (2011). Approach to an Emotional Learning Method (ELM) in teaching of Architecture. Arbor, 187(Extra_3), 255–260.


