Learning styles and thinking styles of university students. Learning to learn and learning to think


  • Pedro Allueva Torres Departamento de Psicología y Sociología, ICE-Universidad de Zaragoza
  • Concepción Bueno García Departamento de Ciencias de la Educación, ICE-Universidad de Zaragoza




Learning styles, thinking styles, learning to learn, learning to think, development of learning abilities, development of thinking abilities


The questionnaire Honey-Alonso about Learning Styles (CHAEA) and the questionnaire Sternberg-Wagner about Thinking Styles were passed to a sample of first-year students of the different Degree of the University of Zaragoza with the aim of being able to determine their kind of learning styles and thinking styles. Moreover, data were analysed in order to study the potential correlation between the Learning Styles and the Thinking Styles of the aforementioned questionnaires. The knowledge of the learning and thinking styles will facilitate students their metacognitive knowledge, as well as helping them to learn to learn and to learn to think, facilitating in such way the learning process of the different subjects and the development of learning and thinking abilities.


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How to Cite

Allueva Torres, P., & Bueno García, C. (2011). Learning styles and thinking styles of university students. Learning to learn and learning to think. Arbor, 187(Extra_3), 261–266. https://doi.org/10.3989/arbor.2011.Extra-3n3155


