Obligations of Justice: Open Borders or Distributive Justice?


  • Daniel Loewe Escuela de Gobierno Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez Santiago de Chile




Immigration, opportunities, global state, open borders, global distributive justice


This paper criticizes traditional positions about the discretional competence of states regarding the access of immigrants, and asks whether the right for free mobility or obligations of global distributive justice follows from the standpoint of global justice. According to the argument, much seems to speak in favor of global distributive justice if global justice is exclusively concerned about inequality of opportunity and poverty. However, even if this is the case significant restrictions on state discretional competence regarding immigration issues should be recognized.


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How to Cite

Loewe, D. (2012). Obligations of Justice: Open Borders or Distributive Justice?. Arbor, 188(755), 475–488. https://doi.org/10.3989/arbor.2012.755n3002




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