Migrations and Citizenship’s Opening-up to Cosmopolitanism


  • Javier Peña Echeverría Universidad de Valladolid Departamento de Filosofía




Citizenship, migrations, cosmopolitanism, human rights, membership, cultural identity, democracy, inclusión


This paper aims to show, on the one hand, how migrations contribute to change both the reality and the understanding of citizenship. They do not only alter recipient societies’ social and cultural composition, but also the way that their members see themselves as citizens, thereby fostering the reflection on how sound their democratic convictions are. On the other hand, it is argued that citizenship could make migrants’ human rights a reality by turning them into citizenship’s rights. To this end, it is necessary to break with the particularistic nature of citizenship in the Nation-State, developing the latter instead in a cosmopolitan direction.


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How to Cite

Peña Echeverría, J. (2012). Migrations and Citizenship’s Opening-up to Cosmopolitanism. Arbor, 188(755), 529–542. https://doi.org/10.3989/arbor.2012.755n3006


