Guide to the Selection of ERP in Mexican Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises


  • Igor Rivera Instituto Politécnico Nacional – UPIICSA
  • María Rosario Pérez Salazar Instituto Tecnológico Superior de Tantoyuca



ERP, ERP project, selection


Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems are information system characterised by having a shared database for all the company’s departments. Organisations use ERP sys- tems to manage their data and help improve decision-making. However, recent studies show that 92% of ERP projects do not end in success (De Pablos Heredero and De Pablos Heredero, 2009). This paper aims to design a guide to ERP selection for Mexican SMEs. It starts with a review of the scientific literature, which is divided into methodological proposals, case studies, micro-sociological studies, and critical success factors for ERP projects. To complement our theoretical study we interviewed consultants, users and ERP project experts, who supported our conception of this issue at local level. Finally, we designed an ERP selection guide.


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How to Cite

Rivera, I., & Pérez Salazar, M. R. (2013). Guide to the Selection of ERP in Mexican Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises. Arbor, 189(760), a025.


