Hermeneutics of the sense of “social things”


  • Miguel Beltrán Villalva Universidad Autónoma de Madrid




Sense, meaning, speech, hermeneutics, linguistics


Social reality has a measurable dimension (its quantitative, material component) and other non measurable, immaterial: the sense of choses sociales, which have to be interpreted and comprehended. Both are essential to describe and explain reality, but a naturalistic approach has prevailed in the social sciences for a long time, favouring their assimilation to the natural sciences model. The inter-subjective sense that pervades social reality compels us to take into account people’s speech not as a linguistic question, but as a hermeneutic one. And, of course, the object of sociology is not limited to understanding the meanings, but extends to scientific knowledge of the complexity of social reality.


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How to Cite

Beltrán Villalva, M. (2013). Hermeneutics of the sense of “social things”. Arbor, 189(761), a034. https://doi.org/10.3989/arbor.2013.761n3002


