Boundary: a category of thought at the edge of time


  • José Mª García Gómez-Heras Universidad de Salamanca



bioethics, frontier, time, possibility


This article seeks to characterise bioethics as a field of knowledge at the boundary of time. In this sense, bioethics is a frontier discipline. Due to its tentative and open nature, bioethics is more easily understood as something happening. The boundary of time locates moral consciousness in gestation processes where reflection is littered with perplexities and tries to devise possible answers. There are two ways of giving content to the bioethical discourse: the memory that remembers and the hope that anticipates.


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How to Cite

García Gómez-Heras, J. M. (2013). Boundary: a category of thought at the edge of time. Arbor, 189(762), a051.


