Private intellectual property and research as a public service


  • Lorenzo Peña CSIC-CCHS



Intellectual property, ownership, academic research, legal servitudes, privatization, linguistic entities, ideal objects, copyright, copyleft, scientific publications


Intellectual property has arisen in our societies in order to solve problems brought about by technical evolution. Some authors regard it as a sui generis notion, other people reject it altogether. Our approach stresses the similarity between this sort of property and ownership in general. We propose a relative justification of intellectual ownership. Those proposals are bound up with a metaphysical elucidation of the intellectual objects of ownership; we put forward viewing them as clusters of possibilia. Intellectual ownership thus vindicated has to fulfil a social function, by resorting to the legal notion of easements or servitudes, whether voluntary or legally binding, especially as regards the outputs of scientific research. We demur at privatizing the benefits derived from publicly funded research.


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Author Biography

Lorenzo Peña, CSIC-CCHS


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How to Cite

Peña, L. (2008). Private intellectual property and research as a public service. Arbor, 184(730), 307–332.


