Conflict of values in pharmaceutical research: Between public health and markets


  • Txetxu Ausín Instituto de Filosofía Centro de Ciencias Humanas y Sociales, CSIC



Health, Forgotten Diseases, Drugs, Pharmaceutical research, Patents, Human Rights


Million people live involved in the chronic circle of the disease and poverty and does not have access to the essential medicines that could alleviate or cure their diseases. The reason is double: the lack of research in diseases of the poorest (forgotten diseases) and the rigid system of pharmaceutical intellectual property (patents). Nevertheless, the right to primary health care and its corollary, the right to essential drugs, constitute the key of the fundamental and primary human right: the right to life. For that reason, the considerations of public health have to prioritize forehead to the logic of the market in the scope of the pharmaceutical investigation, looking for ways that promote the innovation and the companies’ viability along with the drug development and distribution for the greater number of patients.


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Author Biography

Txetxu Ausín, Instituto de Filosofía Centro de Ciencias Humanas y Sociales, CSIC


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How to Cite

Ausín, T. (2008). Conflict of values in pharmaceutical research: Between public health and markets. Arbor, 184(730), 333–345.


