The mad among the sane; sane individuals in pathologic contexts


  • José Luis Rodríguez-Arias Palomo Dr. en Psicología y Psicólogo Clínico. Hospital Materno-Infantil de A Coruña



Psychodiagnosis, Mental health, Constructivism, Family therapy


Mental Health moves within a territory of uncertain boundaries: weather a behavior is considered healthy or sick depends on factors such as the historical moment, the culture and society in which the diagnosis is made or simply the professional’s ideology on the matter. In this paper, the borders between madness and sanity will be explored from the point of view of Radical Constructivism (Watzlawick, 1988). The classification criteria currently used in Mental Health units will be questioned through a series of examples which reveal their instability and fuzziness. The thesis behind this debate is that the autonomy of the patient should be considered precisely in this context of relativity. Though “mad”, they have equal rights to sane people to decide over their own existence and their own ways of leading their lives.


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How to Cite

Rodríguez-Arias Palomo, J. L. (2013). The mad among the sane; sane individuals in pathologic contexts. Arbor, 189(763), a069.


