Calendars, clocks and a cash machine. Five patents in the Región de Murcia and two advertising applications (1887-1928)


  • Pascual Santos López Universidad de Murcia - IES Diego Tortosa



Calendar, Clock, Automated cash machine, Patent, Advertising, Cartagena, Cieza, Murcia, 19-20th Centuries


By the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, clocks and calendars had become everyday objects in homes, classrooms and workplaces. Advertising in the press at the turn of century shows there to have been demand for various sorts of timepiece. This demand spurred the intellectual efforts of inventors who rushed to patent devices either to measure or register the passing of time or simply to satisfy the curiosity these fascinating devices aroused. Five time-measurement-related inventions were patented in the Region of Murcia between 1887 and 1928. Two calendars in 1887, an automated cash machine in 1913 and two inventions in 1928 that exploited the curiosity and the need to measure the time to attract the public’s attention. We discuss these five patents and the contemporary press to get closer to their inventors, achievements and the time in which they lived.


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How to Cite

Santos López, P. (2014). Calendars, clocks and a cash machine. Five patents in the Región de Murcia and two advertising applications (1887-1928). Arbor, 190(769), a165.


