The Places of Madness: a Historiographic Analysis of Lunatic Asylums and their Role in the Emergence and Development of Psychiatry


  • Ricardo Campos Marín Científico Titular. Instituto de Historia - Centro de Ciencias Humanas y Sociales. CSIC
  • Rafael Huertas García-Alejo Profesor de Investigación.¡ Instituto de Historia - Centro de Ciencias Humanas y Sociales. CSIC



Mental hospital, knowledge space, confinement space, psychiatry, France, Spain, XIX and XX centuries


In this work we will analyze the changes of mental hospitals as being the central column of psychiatry as well as knowledge- creating centres. In order to achieve it we will take into account all their conflicts and contradictions during their first 150 years. We will therefore analyze some of the historiographycal controversies regarding the role of the mental hospitals as confinement, societyprotecting and scientific-knowledge spaces, by using the French case and the work carried out by Michel Foucault.


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Author Biography

Ricardo Campos Marín, Científico Titular. Instituto de Historia - Centro de Ciencias Humanas y Sociales. CSIC


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How to Cite

Campos Marín, R., & Huertas García-Alejo, R. (2008). The Places of Madness: a Historiographic Analysis of Lunatic Asylums and their Role in the Emergence and Development of Psychiatry. Arbor, 184(731), 471–480.


