Iconography of the eye in Un chien andalou


  • Ainamar Clariana Rodagut Universitat Pompeu Fabra




eye, vision, avant-garde, imagination, blindness, interiority


This article sets out to analyse the eye motif in Un chien andalou. The eye—cut open in the film with a razor blade—has a symbolic function that is present in Buñuel’s entire filmography, where eyes are a recurrent motif: from the eyes of people who were born blind, a key character in Buñuel’s films, to the allusions to the spectator’s eyes. This article lists the eyes appearing in Buñuel’s films, and using reception theory, seeks to explain the significance of this visual symbol in the filmmaker’s work. The conclusion is that when the eye appears in a film it means that the images of the film come from the artist’s inner sources. Therefore, the eye in Luis Buñuel’s work refers to a reflection by the filmmaker about his own creative process.


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How to Cite

Clariana Rodagut, A. (2014). Iconography of the eye in Un chien andalou. Arbor, 190(769), a176. https://doi.org/10.3989/arbor.2014.769n5015


