The influence of the family in the physical sportive juvenile leisure: new perspectives for the reflection and the action


  • María Ángeles Valdemoros-San-Emeterio Universidad de La Rioja
  • Ana Ponce-de-León-Elizondo Universidad de La Rioja
  • Eva Sanz-Arazuri Universidad de La Rioja
  • José Antonio Caride-Gómez Universidad de Santiago de Compostela



Leisure education, youth, family, physical activity


The family has a decisive influence on the construction of youth leisure, as the domain of coexistence in which people spend their free time and as a main agent in leisure activities. The manner of this influence depends on various factors or circumstances, among which how the family functions internally emerges as one of the most important. Scientific research has produced contradictory findings, undermining theories that the family’s style of upbringings, educational and/or economic level, parental behaviour and family structure are influential factors in teenagers’ physical and sports leisure, while bolstering the idea of the importance of family cohesion, communication and flexibility in the way the family functions. Further study of these factors is therefore warranted, and family action-intervention-education programmes need to be designed to boost young people’s autonomy and responsibility with regard to their leisure.


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How to Cite

Valdemoros-San-Emeterio, M. Ángeles, Ponce-de-León-Elizondo, A., Sanz-Arazuri, E., & Caride-Gómez, J. A. (2014). The influence of the family in the physical sportive juvenile leisure: new perspectives for the reflection and the action. Arbor, 190(770), a192.


