Unrecognised Rights, Nonexistent Laws. The Invisibility of Foreign Teenage Mothers: A Challenge for Social Work in Spain


  • Pablo Álvarez-Pérez Universidad de Huelva
  • Octavio Vázquez-Aguado Universidad de Huelva
  • Manuela Fernández-Borrero Universidad de Huelva




Foreign children, maternity, pregnancy, protection policies, legislation, social work


This paper addresses the reality of foreign teenage motherhood in Spain. Its importance lies not in its quantitative dimension but the implications for a growing number of girls who face motherhood at an early age. Thus, after analysing the determinants of such pregnancies, the characteristics of the phenomenon in Spain are discussed highlighting the apparent inconsistencies between this reality and the regulatory framework. In analysing the protection policies we restrict ourselves to Andalusia as a territorial demarcation. Finally, we analyse the possibilities of social work intervention aimed at supporting young mothers in order to overcome the disadvantages they face.


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How to Cite

Álvarez-Pérez, P., Vázquez-Aguado, O., & Fernández-Borrero, M. (2015). Unrecognised Rights, Nonexistent Laws. The Invisibility of Foreign Teenage Mothers: A Challenge for Social Work in Spain. Arbor, 191(771), a204. https://doi.org/10.3989/arbor.2015.771n1006


