The role of emotions and literature in public deliberation: the figure of Martha C. Nussbaum ‘s perceptive equilibrium


  • Lidia de Tienda Palop Universidad de Valencia



Literature, deliberation, public imagination, perceptive equilibrium, Martha Nussbaum, emotions, education


This article argues that literature can play a key role in the processes of ethical deliberation; therefore it can be regarded as an extremely useful tool to justify public decision-making. In order to support this thesis I examine Nussbaum’s proposal of perceptive equilibrium as a method to conduct the public deliberation processes which integrates the emotions in its structure. Finally, I analyse one of the possible applications of the proposed method: introducing narrative texts, both historical and fictional, in the curricula as a method for ethical deliberation.


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How to Cite

de Tienda Palop, L. (2015). The role of emotions and literature in public deliberation: the figure of Martha C. Nussbaum ‘s perceptive equilibrium. Arbor, 191(773), a241.


