The problem of time in physics: an existential approach to science from Heidegger’s point of view


  • Felipe Johnson Universidad de La Frontera



linear time, present, falling, science, Heidegger


This article aims to characterise the meaning of scientific practice deriving from Heidegger’s conceptions of falling and the theoretical attitude. To do so, we will inquire into the relationship that physics has with the concept of time. This starting point reveals how his particular treatment of time unveils specific features of how own way of understanding our encounter with reality. Thus, this article shows that the classic concept of time and its reformulations are based, in the final analysis, on an occupied relationship of existence that characterises the scientific know-how in general. Considering the above, this elucidation of science will give account of the present as the existential horizon of its factual unfolding.


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How to Cite

Johnson, F. (2016). The problem of time in physics: an existential approach to science from Heidegger’s point of view. Arbor, 192(777), a294.


