The technology transfer revisited: Basic concepts and new reflection from a model of excellence management


  • José Molero Grupo de Investigación en Economía y Política de la Innovación (GRINEI) de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Instituto Complutense de Estudios Internacionales



Knowledge transfer, technological change, innovation, Universities, R&D Centres


This paper deals with the topic of technology transfer from universities and research centres to the productive world. The conceptual framework is to consider technology as a kind of knowledge, so to a considerable extent, we can extend the arguments to a more general context of knowledge transfer. Two are the basis for the analysis: on the one hand, some conceptual and empirical advances of the economic analysis of innovation and technological change and, on the other, the results of the research project Management and output measurement system in R&D centres (SIGRID model). This approach anticipates a new methodological demand consisting of the capacity of improving the theoretical analysis by taking into account contributions based on more empirical and sticky works. They can contribute with interesting complements about the functioning of the creation and transfer of technology and the factors facilitating or hampering those processes.


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Author Biography

José Molero, Grupo de Investigación en Economía y Política de la Innovación (GRINEI) de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Instituto Complutense de Estudios Internacionales


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How to Cite

Molero, J. (2008). The technology transfer revisited: Basic concepts and new reflection from a model of excellence management. Arbor, 184(732), 637–651.


