Moral experience: Ethics without absolute truths


  • Óscar Barroso Fernández Universidad de Granada



Zubiri, Ethics, Anthropology, noology, foundation, moral experience


The aim of this paper is to reconstruct the Zubirian approach to the moral kind of knowledge. It is, therefore, necessary to examine Zubiri’s writings on moral anthropology from the 1950s, starting from the most complete one, namely Sentient intelligence. If there is the possibility of contemplating a moral knowledge, we should discover its reference system and determine how it is built upon the contents given in the primordial impression of reality, mediated by the logos and its particular form of knowledge, with all the outlines, experiences and truths. On this basis, we prove that is impossible to found morality in a universal and absolute sense. In any case, the possibility of a universal sphere should not be conceived as something a priori, but rather as a regulative ideal of moral experience, that is, something that reason always tends towards, but never reaches.


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How to Cite

Barroso Fernández, Óscar. (2016). Moral experience: Ethics without absolute truths. Arbor, 192(780), a325.


