If Zubiri could discuss with current bioethics: intelligence and neuroscience


  • Lydia Feito Grande Universidad Complutense de Madrid




Zubiri, neuroethics, bioethics, neuroscience, consciousness, intelligence, nature, reality


Philosophers are products of their time. Their standpoints, themes and perspectives are a result of a historical time, a knowledge and a prevailing paradigm throughout their epoch. Zubiri is a good example of a philosopher who wants to be in touch with the science and knowledge of his time, but is an author from the XX century. Contemporary bioethics includes a profusion of themes that undoubtedly would have fascinated Zubiri, in as far as they relate to a reflection on the human condition itself. Specifically, the development of neurosciences is challenging to thought, and is producing a correlative development of so-called neuroethics. From this new scenario, this paper deals with those ideas that Zubiri would have discussed in the context of contemporary neuroethics.


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How to Cite

Feito Grande, L. (2016). If Zubiri could discuss with current bioethics: intelligence and neuroscience. Arbor, 192(780), e330. https://doi.org/10.3989/arbor.2016.780n4006


