Innovation, knowledge transfer and territorial economical development: a pending politics


  • Francisco Alburquerque Llorens Instituto de Economía, Geografía y Demografía. Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas. Coordinador de la Red de Desarrollo Económico Territorial y Empleo



Territorial systems, local productive systems, innovation


The current phase of economic development leans on knowledge, so the introduction of innovation in production is not only a technical and economic fact but also a social, political and cultural process. This process of innovation is not a linear one but a complex phenomenon which needs a territorial interface between knowledge owners and users. The discussion about the construction of territorial systems of innovation is not yet wide spread among us, and even less are the recommendations coming from the new interactive innovation point of view. It is necessary, therefore, to change nowadays routines, such as the actual research evaluation systems, which do not stimulate the application of knowledge in local productive systems, making more difficult the transference of innovation..


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Author Biography

Francisco Alburquerque Llorens, Instituto de Economía, Geografía y Demografía. Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas. Coordinador de la Red de Desarrollo Económico Territorial y Empleo


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How to Cite

Alburquerque Llorens, F. (2008). Innovation, knowledge transfer and territorial economical development: a pending politics. Arbor, 184(732), 687–700.


