Becoming of the generation and knowledge transfer in the Technology National Institute of agricultural technology in Argentina


  • Germán Alejandro Linzer Coordinación Nacional de Vinculación Tecnológica. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (INTA)



Technology transfer, science and technology policies, agricultural biotechnology


This paper is intended to describe INTA’s traditional characteristics and strategies of technology generation and transfer in order to facilitate the interpretation of the nature, sense and dynamics of its current transformation. For that purpose, the national social and productive needs that led to the creation and development of INTA should be understood so as to appreciate, from such a perspective, how they have become more complex at the same pace as the economic and technological organization did in the global and national contexts. In this regard, the strategy for the generation and transfer of technology, both as a consequence of the institutional experience and due to the requirements resulted from the growth of the technological, economic and social diversity in the Argentine agricultural and industrial sectors, derives from extreme and unequal realities that no longer limit to rural sectors. Such a set of changes presents unusual challenges to overcome through policy planning.


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Author Biography

Germán Alejandro Linzer, Coordinación Nacional de Vinculación Tecnológica. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (INTA)


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How to Cite

Linzer, G. A. (2008). Becoming of the generation and knowledge transfer in the Technology National Institute of agricultural technology in Argentina. Arbor, 184(732), 701–717.


