Primitive Jesuit’s educational system


  • Josep María Margenat Peralta Universidad Loyola Andalucía



Discerned accommodation, schools, borders, Jeroni Nadal, Ignatian matrix, ratio studiorum, universities


Among the first documents from the Jesuit universities from the middle of the 16th century (between 1551 and 1586) - and the most consolidated and disseminated version in the Ratio of Acquaviva from 1599 - there are important differences, already identified in their day by Gabriel Codina and by Miquel Batllori. This article, based on previous research by the author and also the state of play, aims to highlight the original nucleus of the Renaissance “invention” of the first Jesuit schools and universities. The methodology proposed by Luce Giard considers the lattice-like complexity of a Jesuit school and University as places of production and dissemination of knowledge and not only, or mainly, as centers of (educational) transmission. It offers an approximation to the cultural achievements of a modernity began in the 16th century, inspired by a permanent and previous dialogue (here the adjectives are essential) between knowledge and beliefs. The article presents this model as one of the most important achievements of the first European modernity established by the Jesuit schools.


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How to Cite

Margenat Peralta, J. M. (2016). Primitive Jesuit’s educational system. Arbor, 192(782), a356.


