The «Ledesma-Kolvenbach Paradigm»: origin and realization at University level


  • Aurelio Villa Sánchez Universidad de Deusto
  • Carl Antonius Lemke Duque Universidad de Deusto



Higher Education, Societas Iesu, Peter-Hans Kolvenbach, John Henry Newman, Discourse Analysis, Empirical Pedagogy


This paper deals with the higher educational principle known as the «Ledesma-Kolvenbach paradigm», which has served as a guideline for the identity and mission of Jesuit universities worldwide over the past few years. The paradigm covers four interrelated dimensions: humanitas, iustitia, fides and iustitia. Using qualitative content analysis and discourse analysis, the paper delves, firstly, into the origin and development of the paradigm, analyzing the academic lectures of Peter-Hans Kolvenbach (1928-), who presided as Superior General of the Society of Jesus between 1983 and 2008. Next, it addresses the transformation of the paradigm into a four-dimensional value model, followed by a number of practical applications in academia. Finally, the paper summarizes how the «Ledesma-Kolvenbach paradigm» constitutes a significant step forward in practical educational innovation in spite of retaining remnants of premodern tradition.


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How to Cite

Villa Sánchez, A., & Lemke Duque, C. A. (2016). The «Ledesma-Kolvenbach Paradigm»: origin and realization at University level. Arbor, 192(782), a358.


