The current teaching of ethics in Jesuit universities


  • Xabier Etxeberria Universidad de Deusto



Secularity, pluralism, profession, ethics of the professions, intrinsic goodness, teaching of ethics


This article presents and analyses the teaching of ethics at Jesuit universities in Spain over the last 20 years and achieves this by combining historical and systematic approaches. The systematic approach highlights the importance given to the teaching of the ethics of professions, emphasizing its main implications: the assumption of an understanding of universality and plurality congruent with the Jesuit identity of the university; inclusion of the fundamental and civic dimensions of ethics; the embedding of ethics within the social and historical contexts of the professions; the multifaceted conception of ethics based on the intrinsic goodness in each profession. It concludes by proposing teaching-learning strategies that incorporate the above-mentioned perspectives and offering the experience of Jesuit universities as a contribution to the debate on the position of ethics in universities.


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How to Cite

Etxeberria, X. (2016). The current teaching of ethics in Jesuit universities. Arbor, 192(782), a360.


