Participation of the public in funding of the cultural offer: ethical arguments for debate




Citizen patronage, crowdfunding, cultural consumption, social innovation, A. Sen.


This paper reviews arguments for and against voluntary and direct participation of the public in the funding of cultural activities. The starting point is that financing schemes implemented by cultural policies bear ethical implications aside from their instrumental aims. Using A. Sen’s comparative approach, it is discussed whether crowdfunding and other investment instruments for cultural consumers are forms of citizen patronage worthwhile from an ethical point of view. In spite of accusations of paternalism and commoditization of the cultural life, citizen patronage is argued to be a social innovation that encourages social responsibility of cultural consumers. Accordingly, cultural policies should take into account that private behaviors concerning consumption and investment are also ways of getting involved in social life.


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How to Cite

Cejudo Córdoba, R. (2017). Participation of the public in funding of the cultural offer: ethical arguments for debate. Arbor, 193(784), a387.


