Accidental naturalism: criticism of a theoretical model of socio-ecological legitimacy




Anthropology, nature, society, epistemology, naturalism, review


This article proposes the need for a theoretical review on the current epistemological assumption that establishes the dichotomy nature-society as a cornerstone of a broad worldview for western contexts. We will discuss the anthropological perspectives that assume that in these spaces, generically without nuances, social practice and ideas are not constructed in such a close relationship to the environment, falling under a belief that nature exists outside the human will. We will debate the naive ethnological essentialism that position naturalism as a central model of a socio-european worldview, characterized by dualistic patterns that have enabled monistic paradigms of socio-ecological relationships to be established at the same time, and in contrast to this, in other parts of the world.


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How to Cite

Cruzada, S. M. (2017). Accidental naturalism: criticism of a theoretical model of socio-ecological legitimacy. Arbor, 193(785), e406.


