From the optical to the mental. Bernard Noël’s cognitive poetics




Cognitive poetics, visual perception, gestural cognition, embodied cognition, Bernard Noël


Alongside his poetry, Bernard Noël develops a work in prose that raises questions at a cognitive level, in particular concerning visual perception. The exploration of technological devices (the photographic camera) and the staging of the creative act (the scene of the working painter) is where the pertinence of the poet’s intuitions and reflections come into contrast under the spotlight of current cognitive sciences. The transition from the optical to the mental is part of an embodied and gestural understanding of cognition that also points to the emergence of language. His poetry should, therefore, be understood as the final stretch of this process.


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How to Cite

Gamoneda Lanza, A. (2018). From the optical to the mental. Bernard Noël’s cognitive poetics. Arbor, 194(790), a480.


