Beyond representation. Is reality visible? (Pictures and knowledge)




Vision, imagination, allegory, photography, technical images, models, third culture, myth, divulgation, representation, archetypes


The work of science with images shows us procedures that deviate, on the one hand, from the rigors of strict scientific method, and on the other, create innumerable paradoxes, whose intensity increases as the complexity of the object studied grows. To the symbolic and rhetorical operations that constitute the scientific images, most of which are technologically created, one must add the process of visualization that has staged, at very different levels, its underlying relationships. New studies on scientific representation point to the existence of theory loaded images that approximate the possibility of a poetic science. This path was abandoned in the seventeenth century, when modern science generated an epistemic gap between the real and reality.


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How to Cite

Català, J. M. (2018). Beyond representation. Is reality visible? (Pictures and knowledge). Arbor, 194(790), a485.


