Palliative care at the end of life. Clinical and ethical aspects




Palliative care, end of life, suffering, euthanasia


Alleviating suffering in the last days of life is being recognised in recent years as a universal human right and as one of the major purposes of medical practice. Ethical reflection on decision-making in this final stage of life is one of the cornerstones of the identity of palliative care. In order to meet the needs of patients and their relatives, an empathetic, caring and respectful attitude is vital. The scientific achievements that medical science has accomplished in the last decades must be complemented by this humanistic philosophy.


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Otros recursos

Organización Mundial de la Salud. Control del cáncer: Cuidados paliativos. Guía de la OMS para desarrollar programas eficaces. [En línea]. Disponible en https://



How to Cite

Espinar Cid, V. (2019). Palliative care at the end of life. Clinical and ethical aspects. Arbor, 195(792), a504.


