Over-indebtedness, home repossessions and the challenging of debt legitimacy





Mortgages, debt and credit, housing, home repossessions, evictions, Barcelona


As a consequence of the economic, financial and real-estate crisis experienced in Spain during recent years, many mortgage debtors cannot meet their repayments and are at risk of remaining seriously indebted after the eviction. Over-indebtedness and mortgage default lead domestic economies to unsustainable situations that are forcing people to reorganize needs and expenses, and to reconsider the priority of mortgage repayments. The legitimization of the condition of the defaulting mortgagor that can be observed in such cases has important implications in anthropological terms, as it entails a challenge to the obligation to repay. From the viewpoint of debtors, and of those who support them, entering default, far from being a reprehensible action in moral terms, can be understood as an act of responsibility aimed at sustaining life.


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How to Cite

Sabaté Muriel, I. (2019). Over-indebtedness, home repossessions and the challenging of debt legitimacy. Arbor, 195(793), a516. https://doi.org/10.3989/arbor.2019.793n3004




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