Constructive hyperfiction in the third environment




Constructive hyperfiction, comparative literature, multimodal writing, collaborative writings


Writing models are undergoing major transformations as a result of the contemporary technological revolution. Although cybertexts and hypertexts as realities are not exclusive to digital culture, since they were present in previous cultural contexts, the truth is they provide alternative ways of thinking involving implications that are epistemological (network thinking), aesthetic (reformulation of authorship), and ethical (requiring an active and reflective commitment on the part of the recipient). In this work, such a scenario will be approached comparing the literary writings Hypertext Hotel (1992) and Leyenda mayor de Ian Curtis (2017) with the audiovisual writings +101 (2012) and Quién lo impide (2018), with the aim of understanding the transformations they represent both in the aesthetic experience and in the digital cultural field. To do this, a comparative methodology will be used that takes into account the concomitances between the two series of writings.


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How to Cite

Broullón-Lozano, M. A. ., & Romero Santos, J. M. . (2020). Constructive hyperfiction in the third environment. Arbor, 196(798), a582.


