Epistemological and contextual factors in the genealogy of photography theory in the second half of the 20th century





Photography theory, aesthetics of photography, conceptual art, epistemological identity, interdisciplinarity


The critical shift of conceptual art in the 1960s, the subsequent appearance of hybridization and staging strategies in the late 1970s and, at the same time, the institutionalization of photography with its entrance into the museum and the emergence of a thriving photographic market, constitute the breeding ground in which the demand for photography theory as a discipline with its own epistemological identity began to take shape. This demand was made explicitly through initiatives done by Rosalind Krauss and Annette Michelson in special issue nº 5 of the October academic journal in 1978, by Alan Trachtenberg in the volume Classic Essays on Photography in 1980 and more categorically by Victor Burgin in his book Thinking Photography in 1982. This paper analyses the intellectual arguments and positions on the need to articulate a theoretical discourse on photography, as well as the epistemological and social aspects associated with the idea of theory underlying each of the proposals. Finally, a brief approach to the Spanish theoretical field is done through the publication in 1984 of the book Estética fotográfica and in 1997 of El beso de Judas, both by Joan Fontcuberta.


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How to Cite

Mira Pastor, E. . (2020). Epistemological and contextual factors in the genealogy of photography theory in the second half of the 20th century. Arbor, 196(798), a584. https://doi.org/10.3989/arbor.2020.798n4008


