New scenarios and challenges for open science. Between optimism and uncertainty




Open Science, COVID-19, open access, citizen science, open data


This article provides an overview of the new scenarios facing Open Science in a context marked by the micro and macro structural challenges the COVID-19 pandemic has brought to light. First, policies are described in the field of open access, the launching pad for Open Science, and the resistance these practices still face. Also analysed is the participation of different social actors in processes to construct scientific knowledge, through participatory research and citizen science practices, as well as the growing supremacy of data. The main structural tensions that appear in open processes are also discussed, analysing the construction of public policies on Open Science. In closing, a reflection is presented on the current situation, where the coronavirus epidemic is showing the increasingly central role that open practices have and will have in our society.


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How to Cite

Fressoli, M. ., & De Filippo, D. . (2021). New scenarios and challenges for open science. Between optimism and uncertainty. Arbor, 197(799), a586.


