To Think in Spanish Here and Now


  • Reyes Mate Instituto de Filosofía-CCHS. CSIC



memory, interpellation, experience, dependency


It is usually striked out of dependent the philosophy that is done in Spain. Heidegger gives a twist when further writes that can only be think in Greek or German. Will the Spanish language sentenced to be mere literature? Although the reason has no homeland, the author claims a Spanish thinking that need not be provincial. In Spanish can be present problems and issues that concern to the humanity. What is striking in our language is that we speak it very different peoples; peoples who have had a conflictual relationship in the past. Since the common language incorporates all these experiences, to think in Spanish is on the one hand, to think with memory, on the other hand, to let be questioned.


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Heidegger, Martin (1950): Holzwege, V, Frankfurt, Klostermann.

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Neske, G. y Kettering, E. (1988): Antwort. Martin Heidegger im Gespräch, Pfullingen.

Pöggeler, O. (1986): El camino del pensar de Martin Heidegger, Madrid, Alianza Editorial.

Saramago, José (1988): “Descubrámonos los unos a los otros”, en Isegoría, nr. 19 (diciembre), 51.

Steiner, G. (1986): Heidegger, FCE, México.

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How to Cite

Mate, R. (2008). To Think in Spanish Here and Now. Arbor, 184(734), 979–988.




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