Fallible ethics for (un) fallible machines





ethics, artificial intelligence (AI), moral, bias, fallibility


Human ethical codes are not consistent in their design, nor are they universally distributed. Therefore, the impossible universality or completeness of ethical systems for artificial intelligence (AI) is something evident that was only briefly pointed out by the recent MIT (Moral Machine) study. As all ethics have an unequivocal cultural nuance and include degrees of interpretation in its principles (such as the universal right to housing, evident although no institution ensures compliance, something that a machine would not understand). At the same time there is a formal problem: an AI system does not always have enough data or optimal time to process a situation, so a factor of ethical chance must be considered in the design of such systems.


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How to Cite

Vallverdú, J. ., & Boix, S. . (2021). Fallible ethics for (un) fallible machines. Arbor, 197(800), a601. https://doi.org/10.3989/arbor.2021.800003




Funding data

Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación
Grant numbers FFI2017-85711-P