Art in the context of algoritmic logic procedures




art, signs, algorithmic, Artificial Intelligence (AI), language


The initial question related to this article is: how has art been assimilating the logical procedures of computational algorithms? Our hypothesis is that we are being trained by logical procedures that conform, inform, and form our thought, such as simulations, models, patterns, codes and set of codes, algorithms, devices, interfaces, and these are the core of what we call «Conformed Thought» (Laurentiz 201520172018 and 2019). It is important to highlight that saying a thought is «conformed» is not restricted to shapes, physical aspects, expressions of patterns, but is a set of socially defined and common habits or customs, determined by society, community, or group. Therefore, conformed thought causes significant changes and drive our thinking, language and, consequently, our behavior. The aim is to understand how the logic of the algorithms, especially of artificial intelligence, which are present in the conceptual and perceptual models of current works of art, can generate aesthetic dismemberment. The assumption is that an understanding of technological procedures increases the creative possibilities and expressive potential for art projects. This will be reflected in some way in the aesthetic experience, because, changing concepts and techniques, thinking and forms of action also change and, consequently, creative processes and aesthetic results. This is the result of a study that seeks to understand how these procedures affect sensory and cognitive systems, how our minds process this information and consequently how we interact in the world. Our point of view is that the artists have the critical role of not only applying these logical principles in their artworks, but also intervening in these processes in an unconforming way.



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How to Cite

Laurentiz, S. . (2021). Art in the context of algoritmic logic procedures. Arbor, 197(800), a603.


