Theatrical illusion. Construction from the writing perspective




Illusion, word, image, literary theater, visual theater, current theater, Eastern theater


This article reflects the state of the art of the conceptual, formal, linguistic and sociopolitical correspondences of the filmic / audiovisual essay with respect to the canons of the literary essay. It summarizes the essential theoretical contributions in both fields. The exploration deciphers how some basic patterns remain identical as they share the same root in the experience reflected by the subject, but their translation to the audiovisual medium, while maintaining an undeniable coexistence of equivalences, accounts for linguistic differences related to the properties of a complex device, which is also decisive for a greater or lesser demonstration of some given traits. Although new technologies raise the value of the manifestation of subjectivity, there is a lack of studies oriented towards their influence on the construction of the essay text and its social effects. As a result of this gap, the canonical references to analyze the relationships between both manifestations appear to not contemplate experiences of peripheral cinematographies or to delve more deeply into experimental practices that would provide an answer to the above.


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How to Cite

Nieto Nuño, M. . (2021). Theatrical illusion. Construction from the writing perspective. Arbor, 197(801), a612.


