Devices for an aesthetic matter in oil painting


  • Elena Urieta Bastardés Universidad Complutense de Madrid



Object, materiality, oil-painting palette, ontogenesis


This text looks to reclaim material agencies in oil painting practices. The article begins by presenting some debates on the importance of materiality from post-human, relational and ecological aesthetics. It is inspired on various new materialisms and their different anchors (actor-network theory, feminist epistemologies of techno-science, object-oriented ontology and post-phenomenological material culture). After this I will present some examples of socio-technical mediations in oil painting, where human and non-human agencies are involved to construct and maintain the paintings. But these relationships can also betray, interrupt and astonish the authors’ intentions, the stability of the pigments, and the authenticity of their aesthetic appreciation. Finally, I will show a material ontogenesis process, the painting palette, as a hopeful onto-epistemic agency that allows us to leave behind the dualisms of aesthetic modernity.



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How to Cite

Urieta Bastardés, E. (2023). Devices for an aesthetic matter in oil painting. Arbor, 199(810), a737.


