¿Es posible ser moralmente responsable? Notas para una nueva definición del concepto de sujeto


  • Vicente Raga Rosaleny Departament de Metafísica i Teoria del Coneixement. Universitat de València




Philosophy of Action, Moral Responsibility, Agent, Compatibilism, Incompatibilism, Determinism, Free Will, Social Identity


The Strawson´s Basic Argument is the stronger against moral responsibility in Philosophy of action. One should be responsible of his identity to be moral responsible of his actions, but then nobody could be never responsible.
In this article I criticize orthodox solutions to Strawson´s sceptical challenge and show how they share with the Argument the same theological notion of monadical agent. A new solution needs a new conception of agent..


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How to Cite

Raga Rosaleny, V. (2006). ¿Es posible ser moralmente responsable? Notas para una nueva definición del concepto de sujeto. Arbor, 182(718), 265–275. https://doi.org/10.3989/arbor.2006.i718.28


