Materials for a phenomenological investigation about the money


  • Joan González Universitat de Barcelona



Phenomenology of money, theory of money, merchandise, credit


In this paper we intend to lay the grounds for a Phenomenology of money. We start from the pre-theoretical comprehension of money as an “entity for”, that is to say, as a tool. Within this pre-theoretical comprehension, money is always understood according to its teleology (money is always “something to buy with”). Also, in this pre-theoretical framework money is hardly ever defined as “something to sell with”, or as “something being the result of my work”. Thus, in our daily experience the being of money becomes undistinguishable with the act of purchasing, which in turn underlines the deeply projective nature of money’s essence. In order to grasp this projective quality, we will have to develop a phenomenlogy of the purchasing act. “To purchase” is “to get something by means of money”. But, what is this thing that we get anyway? Whatever it is, it has a distinctive character: it is a merchandise. Through the appropiate phenomenologial descriptions, we will try to show how the description of the spatiality and temporality of the merchandise is essential to understand the effects of money upon the spatiality and temporality of the surrounding world.


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Author Biography

Joan González, Universitat de Barcelona


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How to Cite

González, J. (2009). Materials for a phenomenological investigation about the money. Arbor, 185(736), 289–302.


