The National and Regional Innovation System Approach: An Assessment of its Reception in Spain


  • Mikel Olazaran ILCLI, Universidad del País Vasco (UPV-EHU)
  • Beatriz Otero ILCLI, Universidad del País Vasco (UPV-EHU)



Innovation system, innovation in SMEs, regional innovation policy


In this paper we analyze the origin and evolution of the “National Innovation System” concept and its reception in Spain. First of all, we look at the main ideas of the National Innovation System (NIS) perspective. Then attention is focused on the “Regional Innovation System” (RIS) variant, which has undergone a great development in recent years. Special attention is devoted to the role of SMEs in innovation. In the last section, we analyze the uptake of the NIS/RIS concept in Spain based on an electronic survey made with authors who have published in that field.


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Author Biography

Mikel Olazaran, ILCLI, Universidad del País Vasco (UPV-EHU)


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How to Cite

Olazaran, M., & Otero, B. (2009). The National and Regional Innovation System Approach: An Assessment of its Reception in Spain. Arbor, 185(738), 767–779.




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