Before, from and for the exile. Heritage of these times (1935/1962) of Ernst Bloch


  • Miguel Salmerón Infante Universidad Autónoma de Madrid. Departamento de Filosofía. Facultad de Filosofía y Letras



Exile, heritage, dialectics, diversion, intoxication, objectivity, montage, novum, tendency-latency, expressionism, epic theatre


The first edition of Erbschaft dieser Zeit was published in Zurich in 1935, during Ernst Bloch’s five-year period of emigration from Nazi-Germany in various European capitals before his final emigration to America for ten years in 1938. In this book Bloch made a courageous stand in defence of the artistic avant-garde against the dogmatic advocates of socialist realism. His particularly adversary was Georg Lukács. But of course one of the most fascinating aspects of the book is that is also reads as a contemporary observation of the rise of the Nazis. Erbschaft is undoubtedly the major work of Weimar Germany Exile.


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How to Cite

Salmerón Infante, M. (2009). Before, from and for the exile. Heritage of these times (1935/1962) of Ernst Bloch. Arbor, 185(739), 953–962.


