Elisabeth Mulder: una escritora en la encrucijada entre el Modernismo y la Modernidad


  • María del Mar Mañas Martínez Universidad Complutense de Madrid.




Spanish postwar narrative written by women, Spanish prewar poetry written by women, Modernism and Modern times (Avant- Garde)


This essay is about Elisabeth Mulder (Barcelona 1904-1987) works. We can settle her works mainly between 30’s and 50’s. This essay is structured in three main parts. 1) “ the lyrical prehistory of Elisabeth Mulder” (“prehistory” and “history” are concepts used by Consuelo Berges referring to two different periods in the works of Elisabeth Mulder), analyses the evolution of her lyrical works between 1927 and 1933; an evolution from the poetry of symbolism and ”malditismo” to the poetry of the serenity of the Novecentism. 2): “The narrative history of Elisabeth Mulder” offers us the chronological study of her narrative works, as well as the study of the main formal and topical characteristics of her narrative works, going beyond the clichés settled by the critics about Mulder’s cosmopolitan, and elegant novel, a novel that was so different from the Spanish postwar- novel. This essay offers us three interesting elements in Mulder’s narrative works: her concept about identity, her concept about love and the utilization of humour as an element to break literary clichés. 3) “A writer between Modernism and Modern Times” analyses the combination of elements that come from the Modernism and the ones that come from the Avant-Garde in the narrative works of Elisabeth Mulder.


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How to Cite

Mañas Martínez, M. del M. (2006). Elisabeth Mulder: una escritora en la encrucijada entre el Modernismo y la Modernidad. Arbor, 182(719), 385–397. https://doi.org/10.3989/arbor.2006.i719.38


