La narrativa de Dulce Chacón: memoria de las perdedoras


  • Carmen Servén Depto. Filología Española. Universidad Autónoma de Madrid



Dulce Chacón, Women, Memory, Civil War, Identity, Documentation, Orality


Dulce Chacón´s narrative is committed to women, specially to the conflicts that women lived during the XXth century in Spain. Her writings can be divided in two main groups: on the one hand, the ones entitled The trilogy of the escape , which correspond to the beginnings of her work, and which reflect psychological concerns and feminine conflicts in Spain of the present times; on the other hand, the writings dedicated to recuperate the memories of women that were involved in the Spanish Civil war (1936-39), together with the period that corresponds to the post war. The most peculiar device in Chacón´s works is the fact that both, collective and individual identity, are related to memory, which appears to be embodied in the main characters of her stories, conditioning and determining their destiny.< br> Dulce Chacón´s narrations point out a cultural reflection of the fighting of contemporary women in Spain, in spite of the fact that the feminine characters are not claiming any feminist doctrine in their discourses. One thing that readers should take into account is that Chacón´s stories originate from documented oral sources, and this confirms her particular interest towards oral expression and words; that might be the reason why she displays the most incredible expertise when building up the discourses of the different characters involved in the stories she wrote.


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How to Cite

Servén, C. (2006). La narrativa de Dulce Chacón: memoria de las perdedoras. Arbor, 182(721), 583–591.


