La identidad como problema social y sociológico


  • Irene Martínez Sahuquillo Facultad de Ciencias Sociales, Universidad de Salamanca.



Modern identity, postmodern identity, individual identity, collective identity, individualization, life project, elective biography, ideal of authenticity, plural identity, monolithic identity, communitarianism, demodernizing movements


This paper approaches the problem of identity in the modern world with the theoretical support of important sociologists such as Berger, Bauman, or Beck. In the first place, the general issue is tackled of how with the transition to modernity identity changes its nature and acquires specific traits which are examined, together with the discontents and reactions this change gives birth to. In the second place, two fundamental stages of modernity are distinguished which have a different effect on identity. Thus, I attempt to show that in the first stage of modernity identity rested on solid pillars, such as work, family, nation and religion, which tend to grow weaker in the second stage, so that identity becomes more fragile and unstable. To scape this fate, I conclude, many individuals adhere to a group identity, sometimes of a monolithic character, a rising phenomenon that will require further inquiries.


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How to Cite

Martínez Sahuquillo, I. (2006). La identidad como problema social y sociológico. Arbor, 182(722), 811–824.


