Pilar Miró’s films. A tribute and link with literature


  • Concepción Fernández Soto IES “Fuente Nueva”, El Ejido
  • Francisco Checa y Olmos Universidad de Almería




Literature and cinema, film adaptations, Pilar Miró, La Petición, Werther, Beltenebros, Tu nombre envenena mis sueños, El perro del hortelano


There is absolutely no doubt about the fact that literature –including both novel and theatre– has provided the cinema with great stories throughout the last one hundred and twenty years. And why is a literary text chosen to be adapted to the cinema? Among others, the main reasons are the necessity to tell well-constructed stories which will undoubtedly be successful, the access to historical knowledge or the recreation of myths and emblematic literary works. As far as Pilar Miró is concerned, the most important thing about her adaptations is that the original perception, reading and personal vision of the literary work remain, though always through the dialogue among creators. This research work studies in detail the five films adapted from literary works that Pilar Miró directed, five works that resulted from her personal admiration for these literary works’ quality and suggesting power.


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How to Cite

Fernández Soto, C., & Checa y Olmos, F. (2010). Pilar Miró’s films. A tribute and link with literature. Arbor, 186(741), 79–88. https://doi.org/10.3989/arbor.2010.741n1008


